What are DNA Groups?

DNA Groups are our foundational pathways for spiritual formation and discipleship. This process consists of weekly time for training, questions, and processing. You and up to seven others from The Table Philadelphia participate in a weekly 60-minute video call with a coach for a couple of months. We’ve found that nothing replaces the power of this simple weekly rhythm.

During this time, we work through our theological axioms (Module 1), the grace and truth matrix (Module 2), and the discipleship wheel (Module 3)— all of these tools have become elements in our finding our center in the love of Jesus and making disciples.


Because you can't BE like Jesus unless you can SEE like Jesus
Jesus had a way of seeing reality, a set of assumptions about God and the world, a paradigm that formed the foundation from which he lived and led.

We've found that unless we are intentional about naming and living into these 8 vital paradigm shifts, we'll consistently be hindered in our efforts to live and lead like Jesus. But if we can navigate these shifts, we'll create a foundation for truly transformational leadership in the way of Jesus.

Module 1 is a training on the 8 paradigm shifts, or what we call the 8 Axioms of Missional Theology. This 8-week journey is foundational to who we are as The Table Philadelphia.  
A DNA Group, Module 1 is forming in Fall 2024. Use the button below


The posture of Jesus is one of love. Yet with all of the competing definition for “love,” how do we embody that same posture of love in the relationships around us. Many (most?) have a functional view of love that goes swings between being nice or getting tough and so we live trying to balance one of these two extremes. Frustration and dysfunction is often the result. So how do we learn to embody the love of Jesus?

Module 2 is about our meta-tool known as the Grace and Truth Matrix. With this tool you will be able to not only analyze false or shadow versions of love, but pursue an embodied way of living in love. Just like Jesus. This 8-week training space is foundational for living in the love of Jesus as part of The Table Philadelphia.
A DNA Group, Module 2 is forming in Winter 2025. Use the button below

Module 3:  The Practices of Jesus

We need training that integrates words, works, and wants in our discipleship.  Once we can access, name, and submit our WANTS to the transforming power of God, we can begin to integrate WORDS and WORKS into a holistic model of transformational discipleship that trains us to lead like Jesus, live on mission, and make disciples.

The result is that we learn to live and lead from the motivation of Jesus: love.
Module 3 introduces The Discipleship Wheel which is a training to help you embody love as an everyday practice. This training environment helps us learn how to name our desires and discern in community how Jesus might be speaking good news to us.

This 16-week journey helps us to not only learn to name our desires but in community, see the Spirit of God move us into transformative action as well.

Our next DNA Group, Module 3 will begin in Fall 2024. Sign up to be on the list.