“The most creative social strategy we have to offer is the church. Here we show the world a manner of life the world can never achieve through social coercion or governmental action. We serve the world by showing it something that it is not, namely, a place where God is forming a family out of strangers.”
What is a Table Community?
The Table Philadelphia is a church made up of communities who embody and extend the love of Jesus to others in Philadelphia and throughout the metro area. We refer to these groups of people sharing life together as a Table Community.
The name Table Community reflects our emphasis on the practice of presence around tables. We are present with God and with each other. We listen, share stories, pray, laugh, cry, sing, and love over a common meal.
But life, as we all know, involves more than a dinner party! Sharing life not only through our regular meals together but care for one another as we go through the more mundane (yet equally as spiritually formative) rhythms of life.
Whether it’s laundry or grocery shopping, dog walking or movie watching, God is present where we really are. We seek to meet with him, meet with others, and extend this welcome. Together.
If you are interested in talking with someone about participating in one of our Table Communities or seeing a new one form, please contact us.
The name Table Community reflects our emphasis on the practice of presence around tables. We are present with God and with each other. We listen, share stories, pray, laugh, cry, sing, and love over a common meal.
But life, as we all know, involves more than a dinner party! Sharing life not only through our regular meals together but care for one another as we go through the more mundane (yet equally as spiritually formative) rhythms of life.
Whether it’s laundry or grocery shopping, dog walking or movie watching, God is present where we really are. We seek to meet with him, meet with others, and extend this welcome. Together.
If you are interested in talking with someone about participating in one of our Table Communities or seeing a new one form, please contact us.

South Philly Table Community
Gathers on Thursdays

West Philly Table Community
Gathers on Wednesdays

Northwest Philly Table Community
Gathers on Thursdays

South Jersey Table Community
Gathers on Thursdays
Explore Joining a Table Community
We'd love to get you connected with a table community in your area.
Fill out the form below to get started.
Our table communities gather weekly for a shared meal. Each community is learning to live life together centered on Jesus in a particular neighborhoods,. Our aim is to be a communal witness to the kingdom of God for the sake of our city and we'd love to have you consider joining us.