Resource Sharing Group 

Our Resource Sharing group within The Table Philadelphia's app is designed for us to share with one another both our needs and offerings. Need a sofa? Have a sofa to give? Need a ride to the airport? These are all examples of things to post and help created a shared economy within our church.

Below are some guidelines for postings that will be regulated by admins. Additionally, if you are not on our app, use the link below to download. Then create a free account and join both "The Table Philadelphia" and "Resource Sharing" groups.

1) This is a shared economy

Give to whomever, whenever, in any order.
This a place to share needs and things to share so we can better care for and serve one another.
Self-promotion , spam, and irrelevant links may be deleted by admin.

2) Thread your replies

To keep the replies separated from other posts, threading your replies will be VERY important. Please make sure you know how to do this or your post may be deleted.
Check our the App tutorial videos for more information on threading.

3) Financial Requests

Requests for finances should go to Table Community leaders before being posted here. We may have benevolence funds available.

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